Women’s Health Care

Specially designed for the needs of women

Our clinic specializes in addressing the complex healthcare needs of women. DerVan Healthcare Services offers a range of care services purposely designed for women (and their children). Our women’s healthcare services include, but not limited to:

  • Pap smear test
  • Cervical cancer screening
  • PMS treatment
  • Migraine/Headache treatment


Take responsibility for your own health. Let us help you maintain you or your family’s optimal well-being. Contact us today to learn more about our clinical services.

Contact Information

Please get in touch with us at your convenience using the contact details below.

3849 Pennsylvania Avenue SE
Washington, DC 20020

Phone: 202-652-1378
Fax: 202-629-4905
Email: info@dervanhealthcareservices.com

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